Domain names carry a price tag. You can’t get them for free unless the registrar wants to give them away. It’s difficult to find the real value of the domain as different buyers may have different prices in their minds. A domain can be worth a penny or it can cost several thousand dollars. If you find a great TLD, you can make a lot of cash by selling it. To make sure that you sell the domain at the best price, you can use the tools I’ve shared below to estimate the price of the domains. What do the tools do? The tools will show the estimated price of your .com, .org, .net, .xyz, or any other domain for free. Unless you’ve reached the threshold limit, you won’t be asked to register an account or pay money. Also, if you find a domain and you’d like to discuss its sale with the owner, you can click the WHOIS option that you’ll find on the official website of the below tools.
Best domain valuation tool
Estibot lets unregistered users use its valuation tool 2 times. Once you’ve reached the limit, you’ll be asked to register an account or purchase one of its subscription plans. EB shows the popularity of the domain keywords and the number of ad campaigns that were created using the keyword. If you check the price of the expired domains with Estibot, you can see the TLD’s Alexa rank as well as the Google Page Rank. Google used to reveal the page ranks once a year. Now, it has stopped doing so in 2013. Thus, if the domain was registered before 2013, you can see its PR. Estibot shows the CPC of keywords of the TLD. It identifies the keywords in the domain and makes you aware of the number of times it was searched in the last month. If the website is live, you can see its following details:
- Status, language, number of pages.
- Keywords, IP address, SSL status, etc.
Uniregistry, one of the top domain registrars lets users valuate domains in a bulk. Its appraisal feature is powered by the Estibot API.
GoDaddy’s domain price estimator tool calculates the price of the domain after looking at millions of records of historical data. It shows a list of similar sounding TLDs that were sold in GoDaddy Auctions or via brokers. The registrar also shows the reason why it has estimated the value as X dollars. X can be a single, double, triple, quadruple, etc digit number. Like Estibot, Godaddy doesn’t show the keyword statistics.
DomainIndex displays details of TLDs that the above two tools don’t support. For example, I didn’t know that the domain I had purchased recently was first registered way back in 2003 until I used DomainIndex. DI not only estimates the price of the TLD but also shows the estimated monthly direct/indirect visitors, parking revenue, monthly searches, etc.
Domain Price Check – DPC
This tool doesn’t show statistics of keywords nor does it make you aware of the age. It accepts a TLD as input and shows the price of the TLD and the registration status when you click the Go Button.
Estibot vs GoDaddy vs DomainIndex vs Domain Price Check
In my perspective, Estibot is the best appraisal tool because it shows the search statistics of the domain keywords. You can verify the statistics yourself with the help of SEMRush, KWFinder, Google Keyword Planner, or any other keyword research tools you’ll find on the web. The domain will carry a nice price tag only if the keywords in it are widely searched in search engines. GoDaddy’s appraisal tool is also good but the price of TLDs it shows is much higher than what Estibot shows. It prices domains without good keywords at $1000+. DPC simply shows the value and DomainIndex data is a combination of Estibot, GoDaddy Appraisal, and DPC.
What to do when once you find the estimated price of a domain? The answer is simple. Sell it on Flippa or Flippa alternative websites such as SEDO, GoDaddy Auctions, or a marketplace of a top registrar such as Namecheap.