Classified sites such as Olx, Craigslist, Quikr offer several types of paid listings. The user will have to pay money to see his post at the top of the list. Why sellers pay money for premium listing? Well, the premium/paid listings have higher conversion and click-through rates. If you own a classified site that has […]
WordPress Security: Tips and Guide
As WordPress is a self-hosted CMS, the onus of its security is up to the user or the hosting company. If the user doesn’t take precautions to protect his/her website and if the site is hacked, the user may have to hire a WordPress security expert or a company that fixes hacked sites. The site […]
Eclipse vs Netbeans: Which Java IDE is better?
Eclipse and Netbeans are the best free IDEs. Although they’re used primarily for the development of Java applications, Netbeans and Eclipse support a variety of programming languages. Netbeans was developed by Sun Microsystems. When Oracle bought Sun Microsystems in 2010, its development was halted for two years i.e. from 2011 to 2013. After 2013, Oracle […]
Arch Linux review
Arch is a rolling release distro that was launched in 2002. It is my favorite Linux distro. Before installing Arch, I had tried several Linux distros but none of them were perfect. Most Linux distros I have used had some issues. Then, I installed Arch. In the last two years, I’ve installed updates on the […]
5 Best WordPress CSS Editor Plugins
CSS code can either be placed directly in a HTML file within the <style> </style> blocks or in a separate file with the .css extension or can be specified with a style attribute for inline styling. Chrome and Firefox have developer tools built-in. As the name suggests, the Developer Tools is suitable only for developers […]
5 Best WordPress social media plugins
People love to share interesting things they find on the internet with their friends. On mobile devices, it is difficult to copy and share a link displayed in the address bar. If the site doesn’t have a social sharing button, the visitor may not share the article with his/her friends no matter how good the […]