Are you perplexed why your E-commerce site receives so much attention but generates no sales? Your marketing efforts give results. You receive a lot of traffic, but only a tiny percentage of visitors head to the checkout and buy your products. What exactly is the issue? It takes a lot more than just driving visitors […]
How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting for Your E-store [Tips and Tricks]
When you try to get the ideal web hosting, you will be overwhelmed with terminology and features that you will rarely encounter in ordinary life. When purchasing a new web hosting package, there are numerous features to check for, ranging from FTP to backup. One thing that sets WPMU DEV’s hosting platform apart, is that […]
5 Best WordPress Digital Download Plugins 2021: Sell Your Products Online
WordPress is a flexible platform that supports all kinds of different websites, including e-commerce. Thanks to a myriad of available WordPress plugins, both free and paid-for, one can easily turn their site into a store that sells pretty much anything. Everything you need to manage, update, optimize, protect, and host client sites, e-commerce or not, […]
7 Best Free WooCommerce Plugins: Create and Manage Your E-commerce Website
With a WooCommerce for WordPress, you can set an online store for selling products. These plugins that we will show you will quickly put your WordPress site into an e-commerce store, and best of all, they are free. WPMU DEV is another important tool to consider as a WordPress website manager. It’s a one-stop-shop for […]
How to Use Scarcity to Double Your E-commerce Sales [Methods and Tips]
The understanding importance of E-commerce sites increases the number of different online stores. Thus, the market, diversity, and competition are rising. That is the reason why entrepreneurs must keep looking for the best methods of gaining and keeping customers. One of the most used ways of gaining customers is falsely making a product unattainable. Product […]
4 Best WordPress Themes for Online Conferences in 2021: Develop Innovative Homepages That’ll Attract Attendees
Managing events can be challenging, mainly if you’re restricted to the online world. That’s why you need to create a friendly website that funnels your attendees into your conferences while at the same time providing a bounty of resources for them to use. Choosing a proper theme is crucial in running a successful event, as […]